Puppy Preschool

To develop a happy, well-behaved, and well-adjusted dog it is critical that a puppy begins the correct training and is socialised at an early age. It has been shown that the key time for puppies to learn to socialise appropriately with other dogs is before 16 weeks of age. The reason for this is that in the wild it is important that the pup develops a fear mechanism of strange animals and situations before it starts to spend more time away from its mother. While important for survival in the wild this fear is not something we want in a happy family pet. To further complicate this socialisation, at this age puppies are not fully vaccinated and are therefore quite restricted in the different places they can go.
The aim of puppy preschool is to expose puppies to as many new experiences in a safe and controlled environment as possible. Additionally, all breeds of dog will have slightly different ways of communicating with each other so puppy preschool allows pups to learn to adjust and react accordingly.
Puppies should learn to be calm around other dogs, learning to balance excited play activities with calm, quiet activities. Some puppies are naturally shy and need to learn to feel comfortable around other dogs with appropriate control of excited puppies when needed to avoid reinforcing their frightened, shy behaviour.
Booking for the Classes
The course duration is 4 weeks and the class runs from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the Carindale Vet Surgery. The class is hosted by one of our Senior nurses. Please call the clinic on 07 3849 4912 or email info@carindalevet.com to book as bookings are essential as places are limited. The cost of the course is $150.
What Will Be Covered?
At Carindale Veterinary Surgery we are very lucky to have experienced veterinary nurses, who have a keen interest in animal behaviour, conducting the classes using the positive reinforcement method to cover the topics outlined below.
respond to name
begin socialising with dogs, children and adults
sit for greeting
sit when asked
drop when asked
begin lead walking
begin recalls
Owner education
positive reinforcement training
handling and grooming
toilet training
bite inhibition
preventing and solving simple behaviour problems
health care advice
nutrition advice

Who Should Attend?
The ideal age for puppies starting classes is 6-16 weeks. Pups are also of a similar behavioural development at this time. Puppies 6-16 weeks of age are in the critical period for socialisation in which a small amount of experience can lead to significant long lasting effects on behaviour. (Please see 2021 COVID update listed above as to who can attend).
What do you need to bring?
So, you have made the excellent decision to bring your puppy to pre-school. Along with your puppy on a good fitting collar with a lead, a bag of healthy training treats, and you will be required to bring their vaccination certificate (from their first vaccination) if they have not been vaccinated with us previously. It’s a good idea to refrain from feeding your companion a full meal prior to arrival. If you are unsure as to whether or not your puppy has been immunised, please ask reception for further advice.